Payroll 24/7 E-Alert

HRM Insider is proud to collaborate with The Payroll Advisor™, a firm specializing in payroll education and training, to bring this one of a kind, distinguished
 & exemplary news service - The Payroll 24/7 E-Alertpublished by Vicki Lambert, President and Academic Director of The Payroll Advisor™. 

This news service brings payroll news directly to your email inbox. No scrolling through long, once-a-month newsletters looking for something that you may need. As each news item crosses our desk from our dozens of sources, we process, analyze, research and verify it. It is then sent out to our subscribers in a simple email with a pdf attached.  The body of the email describes the attached news story as does the subject line. 
You are able to share with colleagues or others in your department or company quickly and easily.

Payroll has limited resources but needs unlimited information.

About the Author : 

Vicki M. Lambert, CPP, is President and Academic Director of The Payroll Advisor™, a firm specializing in payroll education and training. The company’s website offers a payroll news service which keeps payroll professionals up to date on the latest rules and regulations. With 40 years of hands-on experience in all facets of payroll functions as well as over three decades as a trainer and author, Ms. Lambert has become the most sought-after and respected voice in the practice and management of payroll issues.  She has conducted open market training seminars on payroll issues across the United States that have been attended by executives and professionals from some of the most prestigious firms in business today. A pioneer in electronic and online education, Ms. Lambert produces and presents payroll related audio seminars, webinars and webcasts for clients, APA chapters and business groups throughout the country. Ms. Lambert is an adjunct faculty member at Brandman University in Southern California where she is the instructor for the American Payroll Association’s “PayTrain” online program offered by Brandman University.


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